hallo semuaa yang mau tahu apa aja produk makeup yang aku pakai di video ini , silahkan baca keterangan dibawah ini ya ... ada bbrapa produk yg q jual sendiri di olshop aku jadi jelas brg yg q jual master copy ya karena aku pakai sndri n buat clien , lgsg cek dbwah ya:
- pensil alis justmiss coklat
- foundation cream ltpro shade plum rose ( untuk bawah alis )
- base of operations eyeshadow NYX
- eyeshdow matte ltpro
- eyeliner gel silky daughter hitam
- maskara maybelin
- bulumata no brand
- eyeshadow gliter silvery shuuemura
- primer porefessional
- primer NYX hard disk photogenic
- spray NYX matte
- foundation naturactor bisa diorder di olshop aku instagram Ayyuncollection
- mix dengan foundation shuuemura
- bedak tabur coty airspun translucent
- lipcream wardah no 03
- shading makeover
- blush on base of operations metropolis color
- blush beautytreats pallete
- highlight moisture n wild laid upwards di olshop aku Ayyun Collection
- inner mika dari Ayyun Collection
- softlen yg dipakai model bisa diorder di olshop aku ig Ayyun Collection
English version
Hello who desire to know what aja makeup products that I role inward this video, delight read the description below, selling master copy yep because I vesture sndri n for clients :
- a brownish justmiss eyebrow pencil
- foundation cream ltpro shade plum rose (for bottom brow)
- NYX base of operations eyeshadow
- eyeshdow matte ltpro
- dark silky daughter gel eyeliner
- maybelin mascara
- bulumata no brand
- eyeshadow gliter silvery shuuemura
- primer porefessional
- NYX hard disk photogenic primers
- matte NYX spray
- naturactor foundation tin hand notice hold upwards ordered inward olshop I instagram Ayyuncollection
- mix alongside shuuemura foundation
- powdered coty airspun translucent
- lipcream wardah no 03
- shading makeover
- blush on base of operations metropolis color
- blush beautytreats pallete
- highlight moisture n wild laid upwards inward my olshop Ayyun Collection
- inner mika from Ayyun Collection
- softlen respond used model tin hand notice hold upwards ordered inward olshop I ig Ayyun Collection